20energy is beyond excited to announce that we have been selected as Italy’s best startup to compete in the international finals of the esteemed Creative Business Cup 2023! This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and innovation that drives our groundbreaking technology, LYBRA.

As Italy’s top startup, we are honored to represent our country on the global stage alongside 80 other outstanding startups from around the world, making the international finals in Copenhagen, Denmark, a true “World Cup” of innovation and creativity.

The international finals, held every June, bring together investors from all corners of the world, providing an unparalleled opportunity for 20energy to showcase our technology and connect with a global audience.

LYBRA captures kinetic energy from moving vehicles and converts it into clean electricity, revolutionizing the concept of sustainable mobility. With numerous advantages over traditional renewable energy sources like solar and wind, LYBRA is positioning itself as an ambitious and innovative alternative.

Join us on our journey as we continue to break barriers and create a greener future for all!